If you are working and renting in a big city, most probably you asked this question of yourself sometimes: why am I paying so much for rent when most likely the mortgage payment of the house I live in is less?

An old but still valid calculator by The New York Times, lets you precisely evaluate if you are better off renting or buying the house and pay mortgage. You don’t need to calculate the exchange rate between USD and EUR, just assume the ratio is one-to-one and the numbers are still correct. A simple calculation in my case showed a gain of around 500 euros per month paying mortgage in comparison to renting the same house. With the massive increase in rental prices in Ireland, especially in Dublin, and no sign of things slowing down; getting a mortgage is the only rational option. But what is stopping people to do so? Number one, the usual suspect is capital. You need to save for deposit (initial down payment), legal fees, insurances, and lots more. Then you need lots of time and dedication. But even with money and time sorted there are many more challenges along the way. What are they?

This blog is dedicated to the journey of becoming a homeowner in Ireland. Our journey started months ago but I will try to catch up with the most important events. Hopefully this set of blogs can help others trying to enter the house market. Let’s the exciting yet scary journey of becoming a homeowner begin.

P.S.: The picture above is a 28,000,000 Euros house on sales in Ireland.