
Naser Monsefi

Daydreameing my way through life



Birthday Post

For those not familiar with the birthday problem, it is simply the question that:

“What is the chance of sharing your birthday with another person in a room of say 23 people?“

The answer for that specific number of people is around 50% chance. In the first instance, you might think that is pretty high, given there are 365 days in a year and only 23 people in the room. But actually the chance increase pretty quick (exponentially) and for a room of 40 people, there is almost 90% chance that two persons share their birthday!! Continue reading “Birthday Post”

First step

Why doing things for the first time keeps getting harder as we grow older. When we are infants and trying to learn things for first time, there is no hesitation. We just do it and even if we fall hard on the ground after our first step, we just get back up and try  until we get it right. I don’t know when we lose that ability, but finally I managed to get over it and set up my own website. So, here we go, hello world !!

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